Date: 10 March 2021
Dear students and parents,
The Prime Minister has announced last night that a nationwide lockdown will be implemented as from 6.00 a.m. on Wednesday 10 March 2021. The lockdown will be for an initial period of 2 weeks until 25 March 2021 and may be reviewed by the Government in light of the evolution of the situation. Obviously, all schools are closed.
As from today respective teachers will get in touch with you and they will be using internet-based methods to continue to teach their students. By the time you have read this message, many online classes have already begun. We are kindly requesting parents to provide a calm environment inside their homes when the children are attending live online lessons. We are also advising all parents to ensure that students are revising their lessons.
At this stage, we will not allow any individuals inside the school premises to collect books until further notice. All our front desk employees are in the process of getting vaccinated once vaccination centers are operational. Parents, keeping in mind your health and wellbeing, I am requesting you not to come to school to collect the books before getting vaccinated against COVID-19. We are making arrangements to seek permission to allow vaccinated parents to come inside the school premises and collect the books. Parents will be able to collect the books by the alphabetical order once such permission is granted by the authorities. The school will inform you the collection times and dates.
We encourage everyone to follow the health and safety guidelines implemented by the Authorities.
We thank you for your cooperation
Yours faithfully
Garish RAMOO